Friday, December 2, 2011

The Word

December 2, 2011
6 Kislev, 5772 

An estimated 46 common English words come directly from Hebrew, including...

amen, alphabet, abbot, babble, behemoth, camel, cherub, cherubim, hallelujah, horn, hosanna, kosher, leviathan, mammon, manna, messiah, rabbi, Sabbath, sabbatical, Satan, seraph, seraphim and shibboleth.
This is how some others evolved:

Jubilee - every 50th year is the Biblical celebration of Yovel when all slaves are freed
Scallions - from the city of Ashkelon
Gauze - from Gaza
Sodomy - behavior practiced in Sodom
Armageddon - from the city of Megiddo
Behemoth - means wild animals, probably source of Bahamas
Europe - from erev, which means "evening" or "setting sun" (Europe was in the direction of the setting sun for the ancient Hebrews and Phoenicians/Canaanites).